Customize - HuskiApps
Customize - HuskiApps Customize - HuskiApps

Welcome to the Giftman ‑ Gift Wrap & Message Customization Page!

The Customization Page allows you to personalize various aspects of your gift options using the Giftman app. This page offers a range of features to customize the appearance, animation, and text of the checkbox, as well as the gift message options. Let’s explore the key features available on this page:

1. Checkbox Text:

Customize the text that appears alongside the checkbox for your gift option. You can add any text you desire to provide clear instructions or enticing information to your customers.

2. Image:

Add an image to enhance the visual appeal of the checkbox or popup modal. You can upload an image that complements your gift option or aligns with your branding.

3. Animation of Checkbox Text:

Make your gift option more engaging by adding an animation effect to the checkbox text. You can choose from various animation styles to attract attention and create a delightful user experience.

4. Text Color:

Customize the color of the checkbox text to match your store’s branding or create a visually appealing contrast. Choose a color that aligns with your overall design scheme and enhances readability.

5. Advanced Gift Message Options:

Provide the option for customers to specify the “From” and “To” details in the gift message. This allows for a more personalized touch, enabling the sender and recipient to be identified in the message.


6. Popup Modal:

Customize the labels and text displayed in the popup modal for your gift option. You can easily modify and adapt the wording to align with your brand voice or to convey specific instructions or messages to your customers.


7. Preview Changes:

Preview your customization changes in real-time to see how they will appear to your customers. This feature allows you to visualize the modifications you have made before finalizing and applying them to your gift options.

We hope this overview of the Customization Page helps you tailor your gift options to meet your specific preferences and branding requirements. Should you have any questions or require further assistance, our support team is always ready to assist you.

Happy customizing and creating memorable gift experiences with Giftman!

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